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NewsEventsVINITALY 2023


From 2 to 5 April VINITALY is back, the largest international event dedicated to the world of wine and spirits.

Now at its 55th edition, the Vinitaly 2023, scheduled for Veronafiere, boasts a fairgrounds of over 100 thousand square meters net, ready to become the largest international center of Italian wine and beyond, with more than 4 thousand companies representing all the Made in Italy winemaking and from over 30 countries.

And also this year, among the more than 4000 Italian exhibitors, we will be there!

From 2 to 5 April, you will find us in Hall 6, in collaboration with ERSA FVG Regional Agency for Rural Development, dedicated to the oenological excellence of our beautiful region.

At our stand, you will have the opportunity to taste all our native and non-native wines, produced in the Colli Orientali del Friuli Venezia Giulia.

On this occasion, we will officially present a new entry in Le Due Torri: the PICOLIT.

Come and visit us. We’re waiting for you!

If you want to request more info or book an appointment at the fair, write to:




Are you a wine lover and would like to know more about VINITALY? Click here.